10 inches of snow today! Needless to say, we enjoyed a day out in the white stuff. I ran into town first thing to pick Jeanie & her kids up. Ryan needed the truck to get to work at 11AM. It's our only vehicle with 4 wheel drive. We need to find a 4x4 suburban by next winter. There is no way Ryan is making it to work on days like these with out the truck. And I don't want to be stuck out here & Jeanie stuck in there! Our road didn't get touched until 4pm. Kasey's car is AWD so on his way home from work stopped by and drove everyone home. We all had so much fun. We sledded, 4-wheeled while pulling sleds, explored the creek... only 1 child fell through and shoveled/plowed. Casey and I charged the battery to get the 4-wheeler with the plow working. It still wouldn't start. We pulled the tractor out thinking we'd use it to plow... it got stuck! The kids came out and we pushed, fiddled, made a plan, then another plan. Finally, we hooked up our oldest, cheapest 4-wheeler (aka our go to ATV) to the tractor after putting more weight on & pulled it back up the incline to the garage. We took the charged battery & after a few swings of the hammer squished it in far enough to make a connection. It didn't turn over. We took it back out, tried another battery... too tall, wouldn't connect. However, while doing that we realized a wire had come loose. Hoping that was why the other battery didn't work we put it back in & wa-la... power! We attached a plow for the 2nd time tonight... laying on the ground in muck and melted snow. I am so dirty! Then we found the chains & attempted to put them on. It took 3 tries before finally getting it right. The drive IS plowed.

Ryan -

1/10 Thanks for keeping the fire going this morning & letting me sleep in.

1/9 You are always so helpful. No matter where, when or what.


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