It's January... every year I think this is the hardest month for me. I went for a run this morning. It was nice to be outside. The cold air hurt my nose when I started, but by the last mile I was hot & working up a sweat. Victoria started school in December. I'm trying to take advantage of my solo mornings. The kids are excited about our little ski hill. We went up Monday. I taught... or should say TRIED to teach Rebekah how to snowboard. I'm not the greatest snowboarder & an even worse teacher. However, she had a good day. She's getting it & came home smiling. It's nice, 95% of the people up there have NO idea what they are doing. Porter & Isabelle were on skis. Casey & Sam are boarding. Casey spends all his time at the terrain park. He talked Porter into hanging with him. A box, 2 detached skis & a high flyin' superman impersonation = Porter getting conned into trying a trick?! He must not of minded, he stuck with Casey all day. Sam is picking it up really well. Her last run looked great. She's hoping to board out in Utah this winter. We'll see how she does. Rebekah gets the little board for the next week or two until she is completely comfortable. Hopefully by that time we've found a really little one for Porter to try out. I think Izy may stick with skiing this year. We found a pair of little skis for Victoria on craigslist. I'm a little nervous about that one! I almost didn't make it. The thought of going was overwhelming (that January thing!). I knew Sam & Casey wanted me to go. A little self talk... "get your butt in the car & GO!" made for a very fun day.

Jan. 3rd... Ryan - your working again. Dec. was a long month of you working a LOT of evenings (5p-3A) & 3 out of the 4 weekends. I miss falling asleep with you next to me. I miss talking with you in the evenings.

Jan. 4th... Ryan - Thanks for getting more wood for our ever growing wood pile. I love that you will do anything. I am looking forward to falling asleep with you tonight.


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