The kids pulled up a few old videos on the computer. We sat and laughed at how funny Victoria was. Giggled at Sam, Rebekah & Izy in their matching outfits photo boothing themselves dancing to who knows what?! They are in black shirts, jean shorts, red tights, black boots and black hats. I remember the girls working on their dance. I could hardly remember Victoria. It left me a little sad. Those years after pregnancy were rough. I didn't realize how much so until looking back. A few things going on right now are...

Rebekah is a horrible sleeper. Every night she ends up without any blankets. I flipped her down comforter sideways in hopes of her keeping it on and added an extra large blanket on top. We'll see how it goes. She also has 7 cavities! All in teeth that are ready to fall out. She refuses to work on them. Her permanent teeth are always broken through pushing on her baby teeth before they come out. The dentist said she should loose all 7 within the next couple months if she would wiggle them! She's sharing a room with Porter right now. Her room is part of the craft room above the garage & is FREEZING!! We moved her small desk in so she can have a little spot of her very own.

Porter had a filling fall out a while ago. It was infected and had to be pulled. Uncle Kasey gave him a bit of laughing gas & went to work. It was quite funny... Porter started making all kinds of faces & growling like a lion. They sent him home with his tooth & a cute tooth holder. I was putting Porter's clothes away the other day. I opened his PJ drawer and found all of Rebekah's PJs. At first I thought he just shoved stuff in there & asked him, "Why did you put these in here? These don't belong to you." He replied, "I gave Rebekah a drawer for her PJs so she doesn't have to go into her cold room."

Casey is working as often as possible. He works for the man we bought the house from. He has a goal of $1000 a year so he'll have enough to pay for his mission. That means he has to save $20 every week. He's doing really well in school. Today he told me he earned a 99% on his social studies test and a 100% on his math test. It's fun to get him talking. He doesn't always say much but when he does it's always interesting. He was listening to Ryan's medical cd's & started teaching me about hypo/hyper thyroids. He put a nice big dent in the side of the truck. He tried backing up with the trailer attached... instead he backed the truck into the side of the trailer.

Samantha is growing up SO fast. The other day I grabbed her, hugged her & told her how much I loved her. I also said I wish we would talk more. She agreed. I asked her if she had a crush on so & so. She smiled & said kinda. I hope we can build the kind of relationship that she rushes home to tell me of all the exciting things going on in her life and fall into my arms & cry about all the hard things. We found her missing earring! It was a gift from a friend. I cleaned out the central vacuum lines and there it was. It was interesting timing. She's focusing on her faith value right now. She had prayed and prayed to find this earring months ago. It was a great example of the Lord answering prayers on His timeline.

I sucked up a hot coal in the central vacuum the other day... thankfully it didn't get stuck inside a wall and burn down our house. It just smoldered in the canister. The nasty smell seeping back through the pipes into the house! I couldn't figure out the smell. Ryan asked me if I had sucked up a hot coal. Of course I didn't! After checking everything else & realizing the smell was coming from the garage & not the house I pulled off the canister... smoke was rising from a pile of hair, lint & dust! A couple hours later & an entire container of Power Tornado rags the central vacuum was cleaner than ever BUT the smell remained. What a mess.

Isabelle keeps reading like crazy. I'm not sure what has gotten into her. She came home on Tuesday & said if she earned 6 AR points by Friday she would get an extra recess. I thought 6 points in 3 days was pushing it a bit. This morning she had 4.4 points plus was testing on a 1 point book first thing. Come to find out the 6 points needed to be earned by Jan. 28th NOT Jan. 7th. She's usually the first to get her scripture memorized & consistently reads each morning. She's on her 2nd time through the Book of Mormon reader.

Victoria is... anything but MY typical child. Sometimes I just stand there with my mouth open, head shaking. Today we snuggled up on the couch after school and watched the fire. She's started making these really angry faces. I look at her and say very sternly, "Put your happy face on!" She then grins ear to ear... faking it of course but I'll take a fake happy face over her ugly mad face any day. There's a new outfit for her doll. She wants it SO bad. Unfortunately, it's a bit immodest. I told her I didn't think she should get it. She carried on & on about how it was OK because it was for her doll not her. After a long discussion... why am I having a discussion about doll clothes with my 5 year old? She decided very grumpily that she would like just the headband. This is the daughter that will ride home on the back of a Harley after eloping wearing fake tattoos... at least they better be fake! She will have found her prince in shiny "armor" riding a very loud iron horse! She will take Ryan & I on a doozy of a roller coaster ride for sure. She's the one that eats all the filling out of the Oreo cookies then places them BACK in the package. She colors on the walls & bricks just because. She takes her clothes off & dances. She picks all the heads of the flowers off fast as they bloom. She puts the spice in life! What fun we'll have.


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