Feb. 24
It's SNOWING!!! Be careful driving home. I'd like you in one piece tonight.
Feb. 23
Playing with the kids under the moonlight with a warm breeze blowing... the life I've always dreamed of having with you!
Feb. 22
Running with you has become so enjoyable. I love the time together & the talks we share.
Feb. 21
Snuggling with you is a favorite.
Feb. 20
Sam's Patriarchal Blessing... you are the best choice I've ever made.
Feb. 19
You let me recuperate from a really late night & early morning.
Feb. 18
A beautiful date... Orlando Temple & dinner with family.
Feb. 17
18 miles on the beach... I wouldn't want anyone else by my side.
Feb. 16
Thanks for drinking my rootbeer! Always willing to take one for the team.
Feb. 15
Flying to Florida... thanks for being my pillow.
Feb. 14
You didn't bring me chocolate that I would have eaten when I shouldn't be eating it SO often! Thank-you!
Feb. 13
I know you were tired today after working all night. Thanks for helping out with scones... carrying the conversations.
Feb. 12
No matter what I can always count on you to help me out.
Feb. 11
You took Casey snowboarding today. He absolutely loves the time with you.
Feb. 10
Dinner with friends. I can always count on you to man the conversations!
Feb. 9
Your day off... the kids love having you around.
Feb. 8
You are great about picking up the slack when I have things going on. Thanks for picking up the kids today.
Feb. 7
This is going to be a long week. You work 8 shifts in 9 days. This week alone will be 66 hours. Then 7 days off... 5 in sunny Florida. Thanks for helping out this morning.


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