I'm very behind on my Ryan journal...

Feb. 6
Last night you woke up when Casey was sick and took care of him. I didn't even know you got up.
Feb. 5
You continue to keep the fire going all night so I don't have to wake up to a cold house.
Feb. 4
You carry me through the long winter months as I struggle.
Feb. 3
Another snow day! We figured out how to get that darn tractor up the hill in snow! You plowed us out from under the huge drifts.
Feb. 2
Snuggling by the fire is always a favorite
Feb. 1
Your sense of humor is fun, your high pitched cackle while being tickled always makes me laugh hysterically.
Jan. 31
Here comes the ice! Be safe driving home tonight. I hope our kids end up with your work ethic.
Jan. 30
Someone once said you have no guile. Ignorance, maybe. They were very perceptive. You are a great person. I love seeing the man you have become & look forward to the continued growth.
Jan. 29
Looking forward to our Florida trip... the quiet walks along the beach, laying in bed at night talking... knowing we don't have to get up the next morning, & more walks along the beach! I'll never forget out first trip down there. You tried so hard to make each night romantic... you went as far as putting a note in a bottle and trying to recite a poem. It was the first time in YEARS that I had laughed, REALLY laughed. I think it was the beginning of a long healing process. That night, that laugh will always be one of my top 5 moments with you. I absolutely love and adore you!
Jan. 28
I am tired and going to start making things up now... You walk upright.
Jan. 27
You eat with utensils.
Jan. 26
You smell nice after you shower.
Jan. 25
Thanks for dinner & a wonderful night at the Temple.


jan 29th...really sweeyt! Didn't know uncle ry was such a romantic! You deserve the best!

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