here there everywhere

Life of leisure vs. life of work! I think we've chosen the latter. Ryan planted the raspberries. Jeanie & I planted 200 strawberry plants as well as 4 peach, 2 pear, 2 plum, & 6 apple trees. (The cherry trees are on their way.) It was a lot of fun digging holes with my little sister. We laughed like we were kids. Casey drove the truck down to the wood pile and brought a load to the house. I find he's much more willing to help when I take time with him. The past week or so I've tried really hard to verbalize my appreciation to him and also make a lot of physical contact. He's teased a LOT less than normal. He loves getting his feet rubbed. Every night he asks. I've built in time at the end of the evening to spend 10 minutes with each child. I rub their feet, back, read or just snuggle. It's nice having friends that remind you to take time for the little things. My hands ache by the end of the night but everyone is very happy which makes for a happy momma! The minute Porter gets home from school he's yelling, "Can I go to the creek?" He'd live down there if I let him. He always brings home his treasures... which always consist of a FEW big sticks. "DON'T burn THESE. Okay mom." I made the mistake of breaking a few and tossing them in as kindling. I love watching them play outdoors. We cut down a couple trees around the garden. Rebekah & I hauled them over to the corner of the wood pile. She played on those trees all afternoon. I was throwing a few pine trees Ryan dug up into the truck. Casey was driving the truck up the lane while I tossed them in. Next thing I see is Victoria hopping out of the truck running to grab the little pines. It was the cutest thing. The trees were about the size of her if not a bit bigger. She hauled them right over to the truck and tossed them over the side. I'm slowly learning to see the bigger picture... which I'm sure is still a tiny bit of an even bigger picture. We really are here to help each other. The biggest way I see myself doing that right now is accepting people just the way they are & loving them. My kids especially. Especially when they yell at me and scream and carry on for no apparent reason other than they don't like how the day is going or how they are feeling. It's not like I EVER have THOSE days! I am trying not to take things personally & as I do, taking a step back or in other words a personal time out. This morning was one of those mornings. I got up, said my prayers, read my scriptures, cooked breakfast, woke everyone up & then they all went nutty! Sassy & bossy & grouchy & pouty & ... I should have taken a time out! I should know by now what the pattern is. I make good choices & try to put first things first then all hell breaks loose. Each time I get a little better at handling it. This morning I REALLY wanted to slam a few doors. However, I resisted and only closed 2 a bit firmly... NO slamming! Believe it or not, that is progress. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. It helps to see things clearer. I am looking forward to this weekend. General Conference is always such a great time to reassess & make new goals for myself as well as a family.

Gratitude Journal:

1. Kids that enjoy working with me.
2. A husband that comes equipped with built in energizer batteries.
3. A sister that helps me see the very best in my energizer bunny. (They are cut from the same cloth.)
4. Work... OUTSIDE work! I LOVE my little bit of heaven.
5. Kids that continue to keep me on my toes and at the very edge of control, never allowing me to grasp it. They continue teaching me what is important & what is fluff! They continue molding me into someone I like better. They are patient with my many weaknesses and are so quick to forgive & love. They will eventually grow up and become functioning adults despite all my mistakes and missteps. I love them more each day.


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