I was working on our taxes today... not a day you'd like to be around our house! I got off the phone with Jeanie after telling her I wasn't really a good person to talk to right now. Ryan hadn't gotten the hint listening to my short conversation with Jeanie & asked a question. "I don't want to talk to you either!" I snap. I have been sticking every last dime in our savings accounts since leaving Ohio. Ryan took a huge hour cut when moving here... that was the point in moving, getting him home a LOT more. However, that rather large hour cut became the equivalent of a 6 figure pay reduction. I was stressing about the taxes we'd owe on an IRA we rolled into a Roth IRA. 35-38% of a large amount = a really large tax bill. Plus they estimated our quarterly taxes low which = another large tax bill. I am tired of the tax man. Anyway, after a call to our financial advisor I was in much better spirits! The IRA I thought had been converted... HADN'T been! I flipped open the scriptures and came across this chastisement.... "Behold, I say unto you, (Jonnette), that you have feared man and have not relied on me for strength as you ought. But your mind has been on the things of the earth more than on the things of me, your Maker..." I feel as though the windows of heaven have been opened this past year. Every time I have worried about these impending tax bills something amazing has happened. There have been gifts, back pay, collections due Ryan from a previous company, tax monies refunded from 1997-2000, etc. I have seen the Lord's hand in taking care of our needs. I've always taken the Lord seriously when He said to remember the law of sacrifice and your family will never go in want. I really want furniture for my front room. I have it all picked out, it's so pretty! However, as the months have gone on and life's trials have hit family members I find myself in a familiar mindset... I think I like my old Kentucky couch.


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