Last night was one of THOSE nights. Casey lost it. I mean REALLY lost it. I heard the crying & went to see if he was okay. He kept yelling at me to go away. Most the time if I can get him to his bed and lay down with him he begins to calm down. Not so. He just kept screaming "go away, I said go away." I go back up to my bed. He comes upstairs & is still crying. I leave it be until I hear something hitting the chair. I go out & ask him what he is doing. He's hitting the chair arm with his hand. "Why do you want to know?" he asks. "I just want to make sure you aren't hurting yourself." "GO AWAY!!!" he screams. "If you need me I am in my room. I love you." He screams back, "I DON'T NEED YOU, GO AWAY!" I go back to my room & climb into bed. The tears well up behind my eyes then spill over. My heart aches for him & there is nothing he will let me do. I lay in bed a mess. Ryan slides over puts his arms around me & says, "I need you." The tears kept coming. I hear something hitting the doors. Casey has thrown all the pillows off the couch and is kicking them. I give him 3 options... 1. go to his bed and stay. 2. go to my bed and stay. 3. go to the hospital and "stay". As the screaming and crying continues I let him know if he doesn't decide Dad is taking him to the hospital and he will be checked in. No one wants to get checked into the Psych ward! He chooses to get in our bed. It's now 11:30PM. Ryan heads up to Victoria's bed... he needs some sleep before getting up at 5:30. Casey is all over the place from I don't get to do anything, you don't do anything fun with me, I can't do anything because you take my priveledges, & ON & On & on! After about 15 min. I snuggle up to him & put my arms around him. I rub his back a little and he begins to settle down. We finally both fall asleep.


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