My Hero: by Rebekah Geddes

Jonnette was cleaning rooms and came across Rebekah's writing compostion notebook and brought this to my attention.  It seems like a late birthday present and I just have to share it:

My Hero.
He has black hair and green eyes.  He was born in Ogden, UT on July 26th 1967.  He is an ER doctor and 43.  This person is my hero, my hero is Ryan C Geddes my dad.
My dad is the best dad in the whole wide world!  The reason he's the best in the whole wide world is because of what he does with me.  My dad plays with me whenever he gets the chance. If my dad is home when we get home from school he'll say, "Who wants to go  outside and play."  When we go play outside we usually play a sport we all like to play together.  Even on cold, wet, rainy days he will still play with us, we'll choose a game that we all enjoy.  My dad will sit down and play it when he has time.
My hero not only just plays with me he also helps me sooooooooo much.  My dad will help me with my chores the daily ones and Saturday ones (he almost always vacums for me).  Another way my dad helps me is by encouraging me to practice the piano by saying, "Oh, I just love it when I wake up and hear Casey playing the piano."  When he says that I get motivated to practice.  My hero does lots of things to help me but one of my favorite is that he will check my homework whenever I ask.
One of the most important things my dad teaches me is how to be a worker and not a lazy bum.  My dad will make working fun and not boring.  My hero is always wanting help so he will ask us and if we don't come he won't get angry or mad but will expect us to help.  Whenever he asks for help it's like he has me under a spell.  Sometimes I'll break the spell but other times the spell is so strong it can't be broken and I'll stand up and say, "I'll help, " and we'll go out and have a great time together. 
Above all, the greatest superpower my hero obtains is that he loves me and shows it by all the things he does just for me and those are only a few powers I would ever tell you of all the things my hero, my dad does for me.
by Rebekah Geddes


Ben and Laurie said…
Love the "spell" part. She is a really special kid. What a great Father's Day gift!
BHall said…
Wow! How special!- B&E

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