Seasons are changing around here. I am leaving the days of surviving until bedtime, sending the children to bed and enjoying a bit of me time. They are needing more of "me" time in the evenings. Rebekah needs more time to snuggle and talk. Sam and Casey want more time spent giggling and talking with me. I'm realizing I need to manage my time during the day much better to fill the needs in the evenings. It was bitter sweet the other night. Rebekah was so tired, she climbed into bed a little upset. I asked if she wanted me to stay, she just shrugged. I sat by her bed rubbing her neck and hair. She began to cry. She cried for a while. There wasn't much said just time together. I still had a hundred things on my list to do that night... 99 went undone. I stayed with her until she was about to fall asleep, then promised to come back and check on her. I'm not sure why those few words are so comforting... "I'll come back and check on you." Casey was at scout camp for 10 days. Porter kept asking when he was coming home. I was so excited to see him and have him home today. He is one that needs more of my time. I love his sweet, fun personality. Sam and I have had a few really good heart to hearts. Sam is cursed with a few of my weaknesses. However, she is doing much better than I was even as a young adult! I am so proud of who she is becoming. I love watching her spend time and value her little sisters. She has such a great heart. I love that we are talking more and enjoying that time together. Isabelle loves Samantha like crazy & desperately wants her big sisters approval & time! They've been watering for the neighbor together. Isabelle comes back beaming each evening. She and Sam went for an evening swim Thursday night. There are moments when everything seems so right... they are only moments but I cherish them!


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