Sam texted Ryan, Friday, that her toe really hurt.  She's been logging so many miles this summer.  She went from a non-runner to a distance runner in a matter of weeks.  Her poor feet are taking a very brutal beating. After practice she babysat for Jeanie.  She called a bit weepy, feeling achy with a fever.  When she got home we checked her toe, this is what we found...

She was sweaty, cold & running a fever.  Ryan numbed her up.  Not a lot has changed since she was 5 years old screaming bloody murder as Ryan tried gluing the cut on her eyelid.  It took us a while before he could actually stick her.  She has such a phobia of needles.  After it was numb, he drained it a bit.  She started an antibiotic that night.  Next morning she got up & started getting ready for a temple trip.  She came upstairs asking for food, she was feeling light headed.  She was grey!  I sent her back to bed for the day.  Then she ended up with this....

(Sam's hip)
An allergic reaction to the antibiotic.  We decided to wrap her toe with a potato poultice (thanks grandma!).  Basically it's a raw potato, grated (boiled in water) and globbed over the infection site.  We wrapped her foot in suran wrap & put a sock over it.  Last night she couldn't put a shoe on let alone walk on it.  This morning her foot looked & felt 100% better.  The infection looks like it's gone as well as the swelling.  I've used potato poultices a number of times and every time I am amazed at how fast & well they work.


Stacy S said…
Poor Samantha! I have never heard of potato poultices, but I will definitely keep them in mind if I ever have an infected toe!

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