I had made the decision to reread all of last conference before this weekend of conference began.  I got a great start then petered out a bit.  The plane ride home I finished the last session of talks.  This has to be one of my favorite weekends.  I look forward to the counsel and spirit that is felt.  Sam has a cross country meet Saturday morning & the kids have a soccer game.  It's fun to hear them express their concern about missing conference.   It has become such a fun tradition to watch conference as a family all snuggled up on the couch with yummy eats.  Sam has a run-off today.  If she is in the top 7 she runs varsity & finishes early enough to return home for conference.  She said with a smile, "I'll make varsity, Heavenly Father wants me at conference."  We'll see how the day ends.  I've thought a lot about Ryan and my relationship lately.  We have our ups & downs just like every couple out there.  As the years go by they seem less and less frequent.  Last week I realized what makes our life together work as well as it does.  Our priorities are so much in sync.  Sabbath day observance, tithing, budgeting, scripture study, prayer, family home evening, dating, sports, work, parenting in general, etc.  I've also thought of living so close to family & it working so well.  It's the same thing.  Our priorities and goals are so in sync.  It makes the hard times less hard.  Last night as we knelt in prayer we talked about some struggles family members were having.  We discussed what we could pray for that night (thanks for the example Laurie).  It truly is sweet listening to our children earnestly pray for each other.  Sam runs at 3pm,  everyone is going to say a little prayer around that time.  Even though we won't be there and no matter the outcome I hope she feels the strength and love from those prayers.  I feel so blessed to have the gospel in my life.  To KNOW I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and is concerned with my life and struggles.  I often pray to be able to feel His love more.  Hoping, that if I can feel His love more then I can accept myself better and in turn love more freely.  I realized this weekend every time I listen to or read a general conference talk that addresses my needs/struggles I feel His love.  I am aware that He is aware of me.  It is through the guidance from our church leaders at General Conference that I best feel His love.   

Gratitude Journal:

1.  Family that encourages & teaches me to become better, more loving & charitable.
2.  Children that are building their own testimonies.
3.  Trials that bring us closer as a family.
4. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, it teaches me what I want to BE when I grow up... patient, kind, charitable, loving, humble, etc.
5.  Ryan, I couldn't ask for a better partner to endure to the end with.  What a life we've created together, what happiness and peace... amid the crazy of raising six head strong children!  


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