I left this morning with peanut butter and jelly still on the counter, breakfast dishes on the bar, the remains of a sandwich cut up into little circles for Victoria's lunch as well as a million other things!  Shoes everywhere, clothes, bags, discarded papers, you name it it was left as is!  After dropping the kids at school I drove up to a golf tournament.  A friend of Samantha's was playing, it was their districts tournament.  It was fun to watch, I've never been to a golf tournament... it is VERY quiet & beautiful!  Taylor played well.  I returned home and was quickly reminded of the mess I left this morning!  Not only was it piano, I also had bread to set for tomorrow nights team dinner.  I quickly started cleaning up and mixing dough.  Ryan walked in and took care of the dishwasher, unloading & then loading it!  Dinner was thrown together and the kids started streaming in through the front door!  Dinner is served.  Clean up again, help the girls for a few minutes with a puzzle, listen to Porter read, fall asleep, Porter wakes me up to listen more, back downstairs to the lingering messes.  Piano is over, Ryan runs Sam and Casey to mutual.  Casey calls with a request, type his 4 page paper.  I read a few books to Victoria and Porter then tuck them in for the night.  Rebekah, Isabelle & I play golf, the new card game Jeanie & Kasey taught the kids while we were away for the weekend.  I scratch Isabelle's back, tuck them both in with a kiss & downstairs I slump... now for a 4 page single spaced writing project to type!  I just sit down at the computer and Sam, Casey & Ryan are at the front door.  There's laundry that needs to be put from the washer to the dryer before going to bed.  At least Sam gets it started as I begin to type.  Nights like these I feel as if my time is never mine...  I just want to go to bed.  For a moment I thought of my mom & the countless nights she must have spent crying out of pure exhaustion.  I'm sure those last minute, late night requests, "Mom, can you wash my uniform tonight!   My spelling test is tomorrow & I didn't study!  I'm hungry & there's nothing to eat." surely brought tears.  I'm not sure if I will ever fully grasp the life she has lived.  I get small glimpses here & there from my own life as a mother blessing me with more empathy & compassion for both my mom & dad.  

I was able to spend the day with Wendy making pies for Wilford's birthday party while in Utah.  It was one of the best days I can remember.  We talked and laughed, baked, baked and baked some more.  At 8pm we sat down and shared a pizza.  I loved the time spent with my big sister.  Then Sunday evening I was able to visit with Jared.  It was so fun sitting in his back yard just talking and playing with his boys.  I am so grateful for the family I have.  I got a quick visit with Alicen as she flew out and we flew in!  Tyson is adorable (just 4 weeks old!).  We borrowed their car, raided their refrigerator, slept in their bed & stole her shirt!  I couldn't ask for a better family.  As time goes by I value them more and more.  I can't imagine trying to navigate this life without them.  Friends come and go but family... is for eternity!


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