Emma had a blood transfusion & seems to be doing better, they are hoping to take her off the ventilator the next day or two.  Sam has her ups and downs.  However, she is handling life WAY better than I would have at her age... even at my age now.  It's interesting the trials each person has.  They are all so different yet have the ability to mold us into exactly who we are to become.  

This morning I drove Sam to early morning seminary in my pink & red striped sparkly thermals and a Carhart coat.  I didn't realize I was so low on gas.  Anyone in the vicinity of Gas Mart in Platte City got a good laugh at my expense as I pumped my gas.  

I am demanding life to SLOW DOWN!!  I am being drug along & only have one very frayed fingernail left... I feel a good cry coming on.

Gratitude Journal:

1.  65*'s and sunny!
2.  3 very cute dishwashers... Sam, Casey & Rebekah
3.  Coming to grips with a messy office & laundry room.
4.  Dirty windows are more acceptable nowadays.
5.  That good kind of pain after a workout.


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