Today at 5:45AM I thought things were going really well... Sam was ready for seminary, I had her lunch packed & breakfast ready.  Casey was up, showered & his breakfast waiting for him.  Rebekah & Casey's lunches were started and Rebekah and Izy were up and moving.  I jump in the car and Sam has tears rolling down her cheeks.  Her hair isn't cooperating and her face won't stop breaking out.  I ask her if she wants to stay home.  She's worried about getting behind in class.  I ask if she wants to skip seminary today?  She shrugs.  "Let's go inside." I suggest.  We walk inside and she starts sobbing.  It's been a rough few days.  What I thought was a smooth rolling morning turned out to be a... pack your own lunch, get your own breakfast, make your own bed and roll with it morning.  I messed with Sam's hair a bit then suggested washing and straightening it.  Curly hair can be so temperamental at times.  I have to say it was a very tender morning for me.  She completely shut down.  Sam doesn't do that very often.  I washed her hair in my bathtub then dried and straightened it.  At one point I was wiping her face with a washcloth as the tears kept streaming down her cheeks.  I'm not even sure I can put into words the tender morning I had as her mother.  It was one of those times you try to prepare yourself for because you know the day will come when their world is crashing down and they are falling apart.  I know their will be many more days like this to come.  Life is just like that.  I am thankful I get to be a part of hers.  I am thankful I can take her in my arms and she feels comfort in them.  I'm not a big "I love motherhood" kind of girl.  It's really hard and it stretches me in ways that are really painful!  But today, as I took care of my little girl that is growing up way too fast, I would have to say I love motherhood.  I love that I can bring her comfort in this really crazy hard thing called life.  I love that I can make her life a little more bearable.  If I can ease even an ounce of pain for my kids then motherhood and all the trials that come with it are well worth it.  She climbed into my bed and took a quick nap.  After a bit of rest, straight hair and not so red eyes we had a good talk.  I tenderly validated her frustrations and added if she could see other peoples hurts it would make hers not so big.  As we talked her smile came back accompanied with a better perspective of her situation.  


Marci said…
I loved reading this post! I often wonder if I will be able to keep a close connection with Morgan as she goes into her teenage years. I am so appreciative of others who are willing to share their experiences. Sam, I love you! You are such an admirable young lady. Keep plugging are incredible! And just so you know, I have NEVER seen your hair NOT look amazing and gorgeous! Makes me jealous!!

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