Most nights at dinner we'll ask the kids "What was the best part of your day?"  There is always a best part.  Even if it consists of not getting hit by a meteor, waking up or going to bed.  It helps us focus on what was good that day, even on our horrible, no good, really bad days!

So, the best part(s) of my day...

cleaning the kitchen with Porter... he as Sir Porter-lot and me as fair maiden Mother!

cleaning up the mess in the basement with Casey... the freezer door didn't shut all the way & EVERYTHING thawed leaving a nice wet mess.  Bonus - this has happened SO many times I've lost count.  However, THIS time I did NOT loose my temper and yell.  I didn't even ask who the last person in the freezer was.  I calmly shut the door leaving it to clean-up later.  When later came around Casey was right there helping and talking.  We had a really nice time.  (Another BIG bonus... this was actually HIS best part of the day!!)

sewing buttons on Casey's play costume... he wouldn't sit still & I poked myself a number of times.  He was chatty.  I asked if everyone else had the clip on suspenders.  He answered, "Most everyone."  I asked does ANYONE else have the button kind?"  He replied with a huge grin, "Yeah, one other person."  He couldn't help but grin ear to ear.  "Who?" I naively asked.  "Rebekah!" was his smug reply!  I had sewn Rebekah's buttons on last week.  What a goof ball I have.  

spending a very precious hour with a dear friend and her parents.


Marci said…
I am AMAZED that you didn't get upset with the mess left behind by the freezer. That would have sent me over the edge! And look how great it turned out for you...your casey is a good boy!

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