Mother's Day...

For some women this day is a wonderful, anticipated celebration.  For other's it's just another form of torture.  I often wonder who came up with this curious day.  One in which celebrates the unique club of those rearing children.  I'm sure he didn't envision single women wanting desperately to be mom's, married women unable to have children, women who have lost children or women and their guilt of being less of a mother than "so & so"!  In the past, Mother's Day has been another day of unfulfilled expectations and frustration.  I put my heart and soul into mothering.  There isn't anything I've worked harder at and felt more failure with.  It's a day that is suppose to be all about mom.  So, they make you breakfast in bed but leave the mess for you to  clean up.  The gifts are more about them than you.  And Ryan, more often than not, leaves for work.  Which means lunch and a nap then off he goes.  Over the years I've come to accept mother's day as just another typical Sunday.   Like today, Porter was pouting when I sat down in the pew.  Victoria was throwing a fit.  Isabelle has poison ivy & it's itchy.  The kids argue about who gets to give me their gift last.  I cook lunch.  Ryan takes a nap.  The kids play.   I fall asleep & Ryan leaves.  I wake up to a kitchen of chefs reenacting the TV show Chopped.  The timer is counting down & their creations are coming together.  I taste their unique food, we read scriptures, say prayers and it's off to bed.  All in all a good Mother's Day.  I've come to accept that kids are kids.  They don't magically become happy selfless creatures because someone deemed the 2nd Sunday in May Mother's Day!  I've thought a lot of what a mother is and does.  It's interesting who I become as I embrace this selfless, submissive role.  It's more about who I am becoming and what I am choosing to learn than what my kids are or aren't doing.  I am amazed at the example God has set in teaching me and loving me.  If I will only follow His example in parenting I will be able to say, "I did my best." and leave the rest in His hands.  He has given everything He has for me.  He loves me when I am kicking against the pricks and making stupid decisions.  He is always there waiting with a listening ear and open arms.  When  chastisement comes it's always accompanied with unconditional love.  I am amazed at what He is able to teach me if I open my heart and listen.  The world screams of "me" time and being fulfilled.  I am realizing "me" time is the time I spend in the scriptures, in prayer and at the temple.  These are times that give my Heavenly Father the opportunity to truly fill me.  I am my Father's daughter.  I have worth beyond that which this world offers.  He has blessed me with the unique opportunity to become like Him through this curious role of mother.  

Beverly Jean Adamson
1. Best cook both sides of the Mississippi!
2. Doctor, Nurse, Professor, Accountant, Lawyer, Real Estate Agent, Counselor, Physical Therapist
3. Loving, Kind, Compassionate, Selfless, Charitable
4. STRONG, Hard working, Undefeatable 
5. The best mother I could ask for.  


I love you.  Your influence will be felt throughout generations.  Thanks for loving me and being the person you are.  Bart asked us to share a few thoughts about you for a talk he was giving...

I never left the house without an "I love you" & kiss.  A tradition my kids would say has been passed on.  
Casey loves having you stay in his room because you'll always rub his feet.  
You constantly remind me to grab my kids, squeeze them and tell them I love them.
So much of what I did as a young mom originated from what you did with us as kids, quiet time, story time, early bedtimes, dinners as a family, hugs and kisses galore, your infamous junk baskets, do your best no matter the job, etc.

You taught me to trust in the Lord, He will always provide.  Never think twice about paying your tithing.  There isn't anything too small to pray about, He cares about what you care about.  Look for the positive and you will find it.

I hope you know how much you are loved.  I am sorry for ruining more than my fair share of Mother's Days!  You are the best.



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