Saturday Night at Walmart!

Saturday started off as a work day, turned into a family photo shoot, then ended with fun and laughter.  Uncle Kasey had given the boys Royals tickets for the evening.  They decided to take Victoria with them since she hadn't been to a game yet.  It was very sweet actually.   A few weeks ago I asked Casey who he'd like to take with him, meaning a friend.  He thought a minute then said, "Victoria, she hasn't been to a game yet."  I asked him if he was sure.  He reassured me he was.  She enjoyed her hot dog and cotton candy immensely.  Well, after the boys and Victoria took off, the girls started a dance off.  The music was blaring and the giggling started.  I finished up a few things then told them I was leaving for Walmart.  They wanted to come so the music and giggles came with us.  They always say pictures say a thousand words...  I wish I could have caught the giggles these evoked.  

I can't remember ever having this much fun at Walmart!  What a memorable Saturday in September.


Robin said…
I have been avoiding blogs and most things that are cheery. I know, crazy, but that is how I chose to deal with this move. I love hearing how you are doing. I love how you parent. I could learn to chill out so much more. Those pictures are speaking their own language. Thank you for the kind message you sent me last month. It meant a lot that you would take the time. I have really enjoyed getting to know you and am sad I won't be bumping into you in the hallway anymore.

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