Sunday was... well, Sunday.  Ryan leaves for meetings early.  The rest of us get dressed and ready then head to church.  We arrive with only minutes to spare.  The kids unload as Sam starts to fall apart.  I sit with her trying to relive the anxiety she is feeling... no such luck.  5, 10, 15 minutes pass and the tears don't stop.  We sit.  She finally decides she wants to go home.  I drive home and drop her off.  As she gets out of the car I think to myself, "No TV or computer, make good choices."  But I am silent.  I figure, I've taught her correct principles.  She knows what is right and wrong.  Today she has to choose for herself.  I drive back to church, walk in with 10 minutes left of sacrament meeting.  I get through the rest of the day and arrive home to find Sam tucked in my bed with her scriptures.  I sit down and tell her the simple things Sis. Bebel asked/said.  She smiles.  I give her a kiss, stand up, tell her not to make a habit of this and walk out.  There are moments in life when you can feel so abandoned.  But if you take the time to look, often you'll find the Lord quietly, gently easing the hurt.  For my sweet Sam that is Sis. Bebel.  


Ben and Laurie said…
I'm so glad she can find someone to connect to in YW. I'm so sorry she's going through this.
Marci said…
Don't give up Sam! You are one of my favorite people! Watching you run the other day was such a treat for me. I was so proud of you because I know how hard you are working. Sister Bebel is pretty amazing. Having her on your side means you will always feel like a million bucks.

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