Tonight was Open House at Isabelle's school.  She had worked on her "board" for sometime now.  It was fun reading her work.  The kids used an I Have a Dream poem generator.  It gave them the first couple words but they had to come up with the meaty part.  I love how the words Isabelle chose shows so much of who she really is and what is important to her.

I Have a Dream
That I can speak for myself
That my family will be happy
That my friends will be kind

Oh, I Have a dream...
That all children will be treated fairly
That grownups will be treated fairly
That people will start to respect others

Oh, I Have a dream...
That people will find jobs
That people will learn to not judge others
That there will be happiness in the world

Oh, I Have a dream...

They wrote a paper at school on picking anywhere in the world to live...

If I could pick anywhere in the world to live I would pick to live on a farm.  I would pick to live on a farm because you are out in the country with lots of land.  Also you can have animals.  The last reason why I would want to live on a farm is because there are not lots of people on a farm, you are in the country!  In the following paragraphs I will explain all the reasons why I would live on a farm.  

The first reason why I would want to live on a farm is because you can have animals.  When you have animals you play and have a good time, with all of them.  Also, you can learn to do real work by cleaning up where the animals have been.  The last thing about animals is that you can learn more about them and what they like and dislike.

The second reason why I would pick to live on a farm or in the country is because you can have lots of space.  When you have lots of space you can run where you want to run.  You can explore in creeks or on land.  Lastly you get to breath in fresh wonderful air.  

The last reason why I would want to live on a farm or in the country is because there is not a lot of people.  You can wake up as early as you want to and play outside.  You can be as loud as you want to be.  Lastly you have more time for family than friends.  Because you live so far away from your friends, you play with your family.

As you can see living in the country is so much fun.  You get to play, run and jump anywhere!  You also get to be with animals everyday.  That is why if I could pick any where to live I would pick a farm.

Now that's a girl after my own heart!!

On the way home we talked about cows.  She has been saving all her money to buy a cow.  We talked about what we thought would be best, a milk cow or beef cow.  We decided we'd like to have both.  Maybe the milk cow can have babies and they can grow up to be beef cows?  We need to talk with Bro. Gamble the big animal vet and Bro. Wilson the cow milking hospital administrator!  When we get back to Ohio we'll have to pick the Bauserman's brains.  We decided that if we had a milk cow Isabelle and I would be the milkers.  She was so excited dreaming up plans.  Our plan includes praying our land in Ohio will sell (so we can build a barn) and if a milk cow is what Heavenly Father would say is good for our family.  I look forward to the experiences as we pray together and seek the Lord's counsel.  


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