Dear Casey,

Thanks for being you!  I see how hard you are trying this year to be kind and tease less!  It means so much when you show such kindness.  I'm realizing my tears bring out a very sensitive, compassionate side of you.  It was a tender moment last night when you asked if I was sad or tired.  I'm not sure you bought my tired excuse.  It made my heart melt when you took such care to help finish the dishes,  carefully placing each one in it's appropriate spot in such a quiet way.  Then slipping off to bed with a sweet, "I love you, goodnight."  I love you more than words can say.  You are growing up way too fast.  I love your playful spirit and responsible nature.  You don't find that unique combination too often.  I'm sure you'll drive some cute girl crazy one day!  What a blessing you are to our family.


your old Mom that can still take you!)


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