“Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. ‘Accentuate the positive.’ Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” –Gordon B. Hinckley

Today, May 2nd, it snowed!  Crazy, Missouri weather!!  

I smiled as Victoria bundled herself up to tromp out and check on the chickens.  My heart smiled as I asked her to take the compost out with her and she happily did so.  We used the snowy afternoon to tidy up the house a little bit:)  Life continues to chew me up and spit me out.  One of these days I am going to figure out how to avoid Life and it's nasty mouth all together.  I'm sure it has a lot to do with patience, long suffering, love and charity.  If I could just get some already.  I snuggled up with Porter and read a couple stories from the book "Boys who became Prophets".  He is really struggling right now and I haven't a clue how to help him.  I just keep loving him.  I hope that will be enough.  We talked the other night about how much Heavenly Father loves him.  I pointed out the trees and creek He put here just for him.  We talked about what he can do when he feels so sad or mad... Look out your window and know that Heavenly Father knows you and just what you need.  See it when you look outside and see your favorite place in the world... trees!  Trees to climb, to explore, to hide in, to escape too.  A creek to play in, tromp through, disappear in.  The space to run and scream and cry.  A few nights later I tried to close his window shade and he stopped me, "Mom, I like to look outside when I go to sleep."  It gave me a little hope that our talks are taking root in his heart.  How my Heavenly Father must agonize over me and my terrible temper tantrums!  How He must yearn for me to take hold of His words, trust Him and move forward.  I have so much to learn, if I could just learn to do it the easy way... 


Ben and Laurie said…
Your stories with your kids are priceless. Thank you, over and over, for your insights into your family and what real parenting should be. I keep hoping over the years I will become more and more like that with my kids. You are an amazing teacher!

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