Oh, What Do You Do in the Summer Time....

 Our little cowgirl... 
 Porter finding a warm place!
 Cousins reunited!
Fishing... Victoria would dip her pole in and literally, within seconds, have a fish.  They caught over 50 fish!!!
 Sam saying goodbye!  (These are some of my favorite boys!!)
THIS is the life!  Milking cows and playing hard with friends that are really family.

Casey's new "bike".

Porter's favorite summer time read (this week)!  He is learning all kinds of fun things.  I've had to catch a chicken 4 times in the past 12 hours so he can show us how to hypnotize it.  I send him out to catch one himself but end up going out to help after he's chased them around a bit.  Everyone has taken a turn at perusing the pages of his new found entertainment.

 1. catch and hold the chicken down on it's side
 2. draw a chalk line from it's beak out
3. watch in amazement!
I love watching this boy play!  


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