Casey came running in last night yelling about this or that with an egg in his hand!  After calming down he told me his duck laid her first egg!!  He was SO excited.  Who knew a 15 year old boy could emotionally invest so much in a pair of ducks!  After the first duck was abducted he didn't care too much until he saw how lonely and sad the lone duck was without her companion.  He quickly did his research and found a drake for her.  While on vacation the drake was abducted.  He cried when he heard the news.  Aunt Jeanie became the lone ducks mate.  It followed her all over!  She found her another drake and all has been well in the duck world.  He's been waiting for eggs.  He hopes to incubate a few to add to his duck family.  We have 6 chicken eggs going right now... hopefully we get a few chicks.
 An Uncle Mark face!


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