Porter, Victoria and I have had some interesting mornings!  I wish we could have caught them on tape. We hatched 6 chicks last fall.  4 of which turned out to be roosters!  They have started running together and ganging up on two hens.  Porter came in upset about one of the hens backside missing feathers.  He was so concerned.  He looked out the window and saw all 4 roosters chasing the poor hen.  He tore out of the house stick in hand waving it above his head screaming like a banshee!  Those roosters went a runnin!  The past 2 mornings we've isolated them in the chicken run.  The first morning we ran around chasing them with big sticks and poles.  Today we let all the hens out and forced the roosters out the small door to the run.  They did NOT want to go.  We started with a long pole and an arrow.  Porter had the arrow:)  They came screaming and flying at us.  Porter got one with his arrow.  We retreated!  I told him, "I need a shield.  What can I use?"  We came up with the watering bowl.  With sticks and shields in hand we conquered the roosters!  Unfortunately, 2 of them keep escaping the run by flying over the fence.  Casey tried helping us get them back in the run this afternoon... now THAT we should have gotten on tape!!  My neighbor just watched and laughed from his house.  What a sight we are.  


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