We had mutual last night, a rousing game of ultimate frisbee.  Isabelle was killing it then tweaked her ankle.  She couldn't walk on it and tears immediate came.  I'm sure she was contemplating the repercussions of the injury.  She only has 2 weeks left of cross country.  She's the top runner on her team and is to do really well at the THE meet of the season - RayPec!  Monday she was planning to test her abilities so she would be ready the following Wednesday.  As I checked her ankle I reassured her it was ok, not her ankle but her.  She looked at me with those eyes and in them I heard every thought and ache of her heart. I told her, " It's ok.  This didn't have to happen.  You are where you are suppose to be.  This is God's will."  She just cried.  I kept reminding her that God's will is best, no matter what the outcome.  I asked if she knew He had the power to heal her.   I asked if she trusted Him.  I reminded her that He ultimately knows what is best for us.  I spoke with such confidence.  I knew what I was telling her was true.  She made the comment, "It's just a stupid game." referring to ultimate frisbee.  I reminded her, "Cross country is just a stupid sport."  I talked with her about this not having eternal repercussions.  She didn't loose her testimony.  She hadn't sinned - which is still fixable!  So really everything would be ok.  I helped her to the car and she was smiling and content with whatever would come.

Rebekah walked up and asked what had happened.  The look on her face was of total distress.  I kept telling her it was ok.  She kept saying, "No it's not!"  The tears where coming, ready to spill over.  I quickly explained, "I just got Isabelle to be ok with this.  I need you to be ok.  If you aren't ok, she won't be either."  She got herself together and went to talk with her.  Later that evening as we were laughing and talking we told Isabelle about Rebekah's reaction and the tears that were so close.  Isabelle responded, "I thought 'I'm just glad it was me and not Rebekah?'"  Rebekah LOVES cross country!  Isabelle LOVES track! But they love each other more.  I love the way they care for each other.

These past couple years I've learned a lot about God's will.  My testimony of it has grown immensely and with that has come peace I've never before experienced.  I've learned that my good, sometimes righteous desires are not always the will of God at that time or in that moment.  I've learned life is not a constant experience of good choices and good consequences.  Sometimes bad things happen when we are doing all the right things.  However, I've seen His miracles come when we have needed them.  I have learned to trust His timing, His ways and ultimately His will.  I'm beginning to feel that confidence in my Heavenly Father that I saw in Isabelle's eyes as I reassured her things would be okay. It gave me a glimpse into the lives of those mothers that raised the 2000 stripling warriors that "(did) not doubt (their) mothers knew it".  I have realized I have to be that daughter before I can be that mother.  


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