Day 24

BPOMD: Laughing with the family. Porter and his silliness, Izy and her funny facial expressions and Tori... she has been making our world colorful since birth!

I have been struggling with how we use our downtime.  It's silly, but I don't love watching TV or movies as time with family.  I've started coming up with cleaning projects for all of us to work on together.  One Saturday we spent the entire morning emptying out every cupboard and drawer in the kitchen.  The cabinet fronts and shelves were all washed, the contents organized and unused items disposed of or sold on eBay.  We started cleaning out the Art cupboards the other day.  The kids have always loved art projects.  I just get tired of all the messes.  Hence, the dejunking the Art cupboards.  I planned to simplify things and add a few specific art projects Victoria could pull out and work on.  Then I came across this article about Henry B. Eyring.  We finished dejunking the Art cupboard, bought watercolor supplies, and the fun began.  The supplies have found a permanent residence on the far end of the dining table.  I love watching them create and trying a little myself.  Now we will use their art to send notes, birthday cards, etc. 


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