Day 27

BPOMD: Eating Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake

We picked up a cheesecake Saturday from the Cheesecake Factory.  This "tradition" started years ago in Kentucky.  Ryan and I had gone to Olive Garden for dinner.  It had to be for some special occasion because we ordered dessert.  The cheesecake looked so yummy we had to try it.  Ryan LOVED it!  It was a White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.  That year on his birthday I went back to Olive Garden and asked if they sold a full cheesecake. They did!  When I picked up the cheesecake it was in a Cheesecake Factory box.  That is when I learned you could order full cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory.   I don't know how many years we bought a White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle cheesecake from Olive Garden for Ryan's birthday.  It wasn't until moving to KC that we actually ate at the Cheesecake Factory.  Sam and Rebekah were eating a gluten-free diet at the time and the only gluten-free cheesecake was the Godiva Chocolate.  It is to die for, so extremely rich.  I am lucky if I can eat half a piece.  We served an assortment of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes at Sam's wedding and every once in a great while we'll pick one up for a birthday.  They are always a fun, delicious treat.  They freeze super well and are just as yummy after being in the freezer a while.

Gratitude Journal: I am grateful for the smiles and laughs I get to experience with my children.  


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