Day 46

The morning started off without electricity. Our clothes were still wet. The lyrics “I need a miracle”  kept running through my head. At 7AM the lights came on as did the dryer!!  We were able to get our clothes dried and out the door by 8:10AM. Only 10 minutes later than planned. As we tried pulling out of the drive to the mountain we were faced with a never ending line of cars. We finally got out of the drive and sat in traffic. Again, those lyrics came to mind. What normally took us 10 minutes took 40 minutes. I was sure we would be parking at the back of the lot if we found a spot at all. However, surprisingly we found a prime parking spot. As I contemplated the days events I realized that trusting God means moving through the ups and downs in faith, always believing that things will work out... one way or another. It is overwhelming when life seems to have more downs than ups. When the struggles affect those I love and make no sense. It eseemed like God was speaking directly to me, “Jonnette, I know what you need and will get you there. You just have to hang in there with me through the hard parts. It may bring you to the brink of despair but I will be there and get you through it. Ultimately, I will get you where you want to be.”

The day on the mountain started off rough, Porter was in a bit of a funk. I had a good cry then pulled it together. Luckily goggles hide tears. My legs were shot! I mean totally toasted!! We snowboarded 4 full days and I am in the worst shape of my life. I don’t think the kids realize I am almost 50. I hit my second wind the last 4 runs down the mountain. We were on lift 6 and had 10 minutes before the lifts closed. We jumped off the lift and flew down the mountain. Izy, Porter, Tori, Audrey, Ryan and I made it. I love the feeling flying down the mountain in powder, through the trees. It was a great last run. Some of my favorite memories are of taking that second to last run down the mountain in hopes of catching the lift right before it closed with Casey. Every time ended in laughing our way up the lift and cruising down,  Casey hitting as many jumps along the way.

As we pulled into the house Sam called, Izy knew immediate something had happened. Casey had crashed on his bike. He was a bit banged up and a little diorreinted. Sam and Phil picked him up and took him home. Casey got in the shower while Sam and Phil went to get food and wound supplies. They returned to Casey’s apartment and helped him get bandaged up. It makes my heart so happy seeing the way our kids care for each other. They really love each other.

Some other recent highlights:
Casey recieved half scholarships for spring, fall and winter semesters.
Izy has a full scholarship to Weber State and will be running hurdles.
Rebekah made it to the DR and the church has changed mission policies and we get to talk to her each week!!
Sam and Phil are moving to Kaysville in the fall and will be 20 minutes from Isabelle.
Jaycie has been accepted to BYU! (Provo)


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