Day 54

This article is a good read.  It makes me think back to when I began this blog.  Those times were difficult.  I was a 36-year-old mom with 6 young children.... 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 years old.  I remember sitting at the computer one Sunday trying to put into words the emotions of that day.  There were so many thoughts running through my head and so many mixed emotions.  This blog forced me to process rough days and find meaning and good within them.  I never wanted to write something I would regret or anything that would hurt someone else then or later.  So, I wrote about the good and turned the not-so-good into purposeful experiences.  The kids love reading about those crazy days I found purpose in and documented.  Most often the accounts were typed through a slew of tears grasping at anything good I could find.  The cool thing was that finding that good changed the end of my day.  I didn't go to bed so overwhelmed.  I see now in those moments I allowed God in and He walked those rough days with me, teaching me as we walked.  


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