Day 90

We went to church this morning then headed for Kentucky. We stopped off in Owensboro for dinner with Janeal and Glen. It’s wonderful being with them. They love our family so well! They always have kind words and compliments. We spent a few hours with them then continued our drive to The Red (The Red River Gorge). We pulled into Miguel’s at 1:30AM. It was COLD! But not as cold as it would eventually get! We slept in the back of our car after moving everything to the front seats. Victoria slept in the middle. My pad deflated, I forgot a pillow, my sleeping bag was inside out and I didn’t zip it up. I made the mistake of thinking I could make it to the morning before going to the bathroom. I eventually stole Tori’s pillow and braved the cold at 3AM to relieve my bursting bladder. 


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