Day 100

Rebekah has been gone 100 days!! Only 447 more. It's nice getting to talk to her each week. This week we were able to see her but not hear her. She could hear us so we would ask questions and she would type her responses. It was pretty comical at times. 

Ryan and Porter made it to the Red this morning and had a fun day climbing. They took a short nap midday in hammocks. They are headed to Drive By tomorrow. 

Victoria had an ortho appointment today and it was early release so she skipped school. She attempted to make avocado gelato... the recipe is not a keeper.  We sang and danced our way to climbing practice today. I love her sweet happy funny side. It comes out more and more the better I am at being attentive. 

Isabelle started to cry tonight. She is battling tendonitis or tendinosis in her Achilles. Her shin on the same leg is sore to the touch. The school had a company give a quote to resurface the track. They said there was no way they could just resurface it. The school let it go for so long the entire thing needs to be torn out and replaced. The reality is she may or may not make it to the end of the season. It is overwhelming for her. We'll see how it all turns out.

Sam is busy creating and Casey is busy dating.

Life is good... at least that is what I keep reminding myself.


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