Day 102

We went to the middle school play Annie tonight. We've been looking forward to watching Audrey perform for months. Victoria made a few flowers for Audrey out of dollar bills. They turned out cute. We ate dinner with the Call's then drove to the High School. The PCMS art teacher displayed several art pieces from her classes in the foyer of the auditorium. Victoria proudly showed me her art piece. I walked into the high school open and ready to enjoy the evening with the Calls. However, upon entering, I felt myself close up and the anxiety of being around so many people I knew kicked in. It hasn't been a pleasant experience here. There are places I go that automatically put me on edge. Church is one of those places. There were many families from the church at the play. It isn't anyone in particular, it's what they represent in my mind. And my mind subconsciously reacts, I feel the physical changes within me. We enjoyed the show then quickly made our exit after congratulating Audrey. Victoria and I enjoyed a quiet evening getting ready for bed and prepping for her competition tomorrow. 


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