Day 115

It was Take Your Child to Work Day. Victoria enjoyed the day running errands with me. After stopping at the pool store and Target, I realized my phone was missing. We quickly ran through Target checking the two areas we had been. No phone! We asked a store associate to call my phone as we walked around hoping to hear it ringing. Still, no phone. We ran back to the pool store, no phone. I asked to use their phone and called Sam, one of the few numbers I have memorized. She was in the middle of Nebraska driving home from Utah with Casey. I had Casey lock my phone in lost mode. He also started making the phone sound so we would hear it if it were nearby. Tori and I drove back to Target. As we drove back, she started focussing on the positives the best a 13-year-old could...
1. You got a really good discount on the phone. 
2. You can use the flip phone we have at home.
3. You talked about wanting to get rid of your smartphone... and using a flip phone.
She was hilarious and so sweet! I dropped her off at the doors while I parked. She walked into the lobby waiting for someone to walk out of Target with a dinging phone. An associate at the service desk noticed her looking around and asked if she was looking for anything. Victoria said we had lost a phone. The associate then said they had one just turned in. Lucky for us an incredibly honest person found my phone lying on the ground outside Target and turned it in. Today, "things working out for my good" included finding a lost phone. Somedays it will be focussing on the positive and accepting hard things. I am grateful today was not one of those days.

The end of "Take Your Child to Work" Day


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