Day 125

I ran into Jeanie's this morning to borrow some Ranch seasoning. I knock, walk in and find Tyler and Kasey laying on the couch. I grab the ranch and Tyler says, "NaeNae, you remember how we didn't get to eat dinner together for Easter?" I respond, "Yes! Do you want to come for dinner today?" He says, "What time should I be there?" It made me smile and my day! Later I recieve a string of texts, "We can't make it" "To dinner" "This is tyler" Kasey had relayed to Jeanie how Tyler had invited himself to dinner. Sometimes Sundays are not always the best around here for either family. Jeanie, not knowing how our day was going told him he shouldn't invite himself to dinner. Hence the texts.  Lucky for all of us both families had sunny, happy days and we ate tacos together. We spent the afternoon talking and laughing.  I love spending time together as families. 


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