Day 172

Casey, “We need to be to the airport by midnight (Pause) at sunset! Hahahaha

I think the sky finally went dark sometime after 1AM but the sun came up around 4:30AM. It’s such a strange feeling going to bed when it’s light out. We stopped by Walmart then realized we needed to go to REI. It was 8:30 AM, REI didn’t open until 10 AM. We decided to go get breakfast, Snow City Cafe didn’t disappoint. It was delicious! Next stop, REI, we grabbed bear spray, a compass, fuel, and sleeping masks. We set up camp in Williwaw Campground then drove to the Byron Glacier trail head. It was a beautiful hike. We also hiked a few other short hikes, Casey went for a swim, cooked dinner and went to bed. 

At home: We didn’t have enough food to serve the homeless on Saturday. I texted the kids at home asking them to make 150 sack lunches. They were so helpful and did a fabulous job!!


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