Day 175

We decided to stay another night at Quartz Creek Campground. We hiked the Crescent Creek Trail, 14 miles round trip. It was beautiful! Everything here is beautiful. It’s as if the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains were combined. You have green, majestic mountains you can hike in all day!! The water is so blue, it’s unreal. My feet are getting a little tired and my legs just might fall off tomorrow. 

I find my mind wandering as we hike. Today I realized that comparison, any comparison, really is a thief of joy. As I reflected on my marriage and this principle I see it happening now. Ryan will often say it’s hard to be around normal couples that have normal relationships. I guess I haven’t really looked at things that way. In my mind I’ve known our relationship isn’t the best but I’ve never doubted the love I have for him. I guess in my mind I always thought we’d eventually figure it out. Marriage is hard, we both come from dysfunctional homes with unique weaknesses. I learned early on comparing ones weaknesses to another’s strengths or vise versa does no good for anyone. I don’t really care what other “normal” couples do or don’t do. I believe there really is no “normal”. We all are unique, our relationships are unique. Trying to compare them will only steal bits and pieces of the joy that is there. Take the Appalachian Mountains for example they are beautiful and covered in green vegetation. I find so much joy in them ! However, when you compare the humidity found in those beautiful mountains to the nice cool temperatures at night in The Rocky Mountains you steal a little bit of joy those green glorious mountains have to offer. Instead of comparing, enjoy the beauty of each independently. As I contemplated mountains, people and relationships I learned that I want to find joy in everything I do. I want to see the best in everything and everyone. I want to become better at voicing my gratitude for what God has blessed me with and find joy in all of it; the good, the bad, the ugly, the hard, the sad, the happy. 

 A bouquet of flowers for Victoria!


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