Day 195

Today during our primary class I sat on the floor, cutting apples and peeling oranges teaching a lesson about different disciples of Christ. The kids were engaged and attentive as I shared stories about Stephen, Philip, Saul and Simon. It was so cute as I paused and asked them if they knew what happened at different points of the story. Each time one of them asked, "What?!" and then another shared, "They threw rocks at him!" or "He couldn't see!" Telling stories to little kids is one of my gifts. I love watching their eyes grow big and seeing them leaning in towards me as we reach a "good" part. I love the comfort they find in sitting beside me or the acceptance they feel as I talk with them. If interacting with adults could be so easy! 

Sam, Phil, Porter and Ryan drove down to Arkansas tonight. Casey, Isabelle, Victoria and I will join them in the morning. We had fun playing Ticket to Ride, Qwixx, Parcheesi and Make-n-Break tonight. 


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