Mom's Thoughts

General Conference starts today. I wanted to address something I am learning. I’ve listened to a few podcasts addressing mature and immature faith, speaking developmentally. Often a developmentally immature faith will see the gospel, and it’s commandments as an insurance policy. If I comply, then I will be protected. This version often works well for a lot of people. Pray more, be more obedient, your doing something wrong if it isn’t working for you are often the “answers.” More developmentally mature faith is founded on trust and belief in a God that wants us to develop and use our agency to grow. He will support and strengthen us through our trials, not remove them. He wants us to not just blindly follow but experiment on His word and have personal experiences with Him. I believe His gospel is not a one size fits all, or check the boxes and be saved. It’s unique, individual, and He will guide us as we seek Him.

This weekend I hope you will watch the conference with an open heart, one that is ready to hear what He has to teach. I hope you will also have the courage to question those things that don’t quite sit well with your heart when measured up to your lived experience. Not with a spirit of contention but one of integrity. 

I would love to have a family discussion covering those things that spoke to your heart and those that caused questions. 

I believe we have a living prophet and apostles that are special witnesses of Christ. I believe they are “watchmen on the tower” and will guide us well. I also believe they are men living the same mortal experience we are. Their lived experiences can aid in influencing us for good. I believe their lived experiences can hinder them at times too. Not often, but occasionally. This is where your relationship with God and personal revelation come in. I hope you will continually strengthen that relationship. 

I love you all so much. You indeed are my treasure. 


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