A few questions

What do I love?

To laugh.

Watching our kids play... snowboard, climb, surf, soccer, run, bike, longboard, skateboard, baseball, kickball, swim, anything active.

Dreaming, even when those dreams go unrealized.

Making life a little less hard for others.

What makes me come alive?

Driving fast

Riding a motorcycle


Racing to catch the last lift of the day.

Caring & helping.

What is beauty to me, and when do I take time to fill up with it?

A child's laugh.

A sunset & sunrise.

The crash of waves.

The excitement on a child's face while listening to a story.

The stillness of life.

Fresh fallen snow.

The wind on my face.

I fill up with it when I am at peace within myself. (Not nearly often enough)

Who is the soul beneath all of these roles?

A free spirit that loves to dream and wants to fly.


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