Our kids...

I am so proud of our kids. They work hard, are kind and doing better than we have. They have their imperfections and still have a lot of development and growth to figure out but when I watch them "do" life I can't help but smile. 

Samantha has become quite the gardener. She has starter plants all over the basement, soaking up sun rays through the windows. Their room is covered in house plants. Last weekend she decided it was time to get the raised beds in the pool area fixed. The retaining wall bricks were all falling in. We pulled them all out, power washed them, reset them and filled the beds with mulch and dirt. Now she just needs the weather to cooperate and stop freezing. This weekend she finished sanding a dresser and threw a bit of pottery. She has so many talents and I love watching her find and develop them. She brings such kindness to her little patch of the world. I just love her.

Casey called the other day, so excited to share his grades. We talked for an hour and a half. He is such a great kid, actually a young man. My heart swells with pride as I think of all the ways he is developing. His heart is so good and he doesn't shy away from areas he sees he needs growth in. He may be blind to somethings, we all are, but he is willing to listen, chew on it, make a decision and then move forward. He has always been his own person, he doesn't do well being put in a box. He thrives outside the box, doing things his own way. BYU does a lot of "box" thinking, yet he has figured out how to thrive there. His GPA has increased each semester, this semester it's a 4.0 with Biochemistry and Physics. Way to go Casey! I love you so much.

Rebekah raced yesterday! She really raced for the first time since high school. It was beautiful to watch. The fire and competitive joy radiated throughout her. She was smiling and laughing, having such a good time. It didn't matter that she was back on that blue oval, in the very place that caused such hurt. The place she lost her fire, her joy of running. Ironically, today was the day she found it, in the very place she had lost it. I am so happy for her. I wish I had been there. I would have wrapped my arms around her and squeezed so tight.

Isabelle called last night to let us know she received another scholarship worth $5,701. This girl has paid entirely for her education with scholarships. She laughed as she recounted that she had the lowest ACT score in the family yet has received the most scholarship money. This kid is so responsible and driven. Interestingly, the only reason she is in college is to race. Yet, her athletic career has been fraught with injury and health issues. It's been frustrating to say the least. I watch as she endures the disappointments of life and am so proud of the way she faces them. She works hard to acquire skills to mature and develop. Oh, how I love her fortitude and grace. 

Porter is living the dream... keeping a 4.0 while climbing like crazy. Maybe in the reverse order. I remember talking with him about what he wanted to do after graduating HS. He dreamed of climbing crazy hard for two years before going on a mission. He wanted to get as strong as possible because then he'd have to leave it all behind for those two years. We (he would say mom) talked colleges, checked out options, vacillated between colleges and then settled on Weber State. His version is much funnier, with me changing my mind ever two seconds even thought it wasn't my decision to make. He is on some sort of a climbing adventure multiple times a week. The above text line was so fun to get. He is climbing V11's, projecting a V12 right now and has a V13 to work on this fall. He is one heck of a climber and a pretty smart student too. He keeps me laughing and smiling. I love him. 

Victoria is getting her motorcycle license!!!! I am so excited! I am finding more and more of myself in this adorable teenager. I can't believe she will be a senior next year. Where has all the time gone? Where has that little "puppy" playing outside in the yard stuck under the little tikes slide gone? She is sitting next to me eating ice cream, snuggling, and watching movies. I love her punches, even though they really do hurt. I love that I can still beat her in arm wrestling and that she is so bewildered by it. I love going to her track meets and watching her pole vault. I even love driving her to seminary or school every morning. The time I get with her is precious, I don't always recognize that. I look forward to her last year at home. I hope we can make it her best year yet. 


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